Friday, August 12, 2011

Dancing with the Spirit

I have always been fascinated with dancing.  When I was a young child I took dance classes for several years.  I love to watch dancing.  I guess I would consider myself a closet dancer.  I don’t dance in public very often.  That being said I love the metaphor of “dancing with the spirit” as a way to look at our relationship with God and with the world.
If we believe that God is in everything then every interaction we have is an interaction with the Spirit.  Every interaction we have is holy.  In dance every dance move is different and serves a different purpose.  In the same way every dance itself is different.  Some dances are done solo and other are done with one or more people.  Each dance and dance move tells a story.  I like to think of my life as one long dance show.  Each interaction with the Spirit whether that be God or God’s spirit in others is part of the dance.  The dance of life is always changing, never exactly the same, it can be messy, it can be beautiful, it will be emotional and it will be a blessing.
On this blog you will see reflections on this holy dance.  You will see reflections on the changing face of Christian Education, spirituality, theology, worship, relationships, and much more.  I hope you will comment and interact as you become a part of “Dancing with the Spirit.”

1 comment:

  1. When my dance has seemed the messiest is when I feel the Spirit. I think the small kindnesses have been Spirit moved.
