Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11: A Watershed Moment

As I sit listening to the names of those who died at Ground Zero 10 years ago I think about each family who still grieves their loss.  The reading of names emphasizes the enormity as well as the individuality of what occurred that day.  Ten years later I ponder two different yet connected thoughts that bubbled up from the memories of 9/11.
9/11 was a watershed moment in our nation.  According to the dictionary on my computer a watershed moment is “an event or period marking a turning point in a course of action or state of affairs”.  During and after a watershed moment we must choose how to move forward.  Reflecting on the events of 9/11 Sojourners magazine says this about our the choices that were made, “There were two paths forward from the ashes a rubble of 9/11: One path led to war, torture, and fear, but another path -- led by people of faith across our land -- was marked by soul searching, genuine mourning for the lost, and standing up for peace-building and caring for our neighbors.”  While we cannot change the choices that were made we can transform those choices going forward.  We can pray and work for shalom-peace and wholeness among and within nations, states, churches,communities, families, and individuals.  Each of us needs to discern for themselves what peace-building looks like in their own lives.  
As we reflect on 9/11 a watershed moment we all share we also reflect on watershed moments or events in our own lives.  What are those watershed moments?  How might they intersect with 9/11?  How will you choose to move forward in a new or different way?
Remember God loves you and in within you during all your watershed moments and events!

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