For the past week I have been crocheting my first anti-bullying scarf for the Oshkosh, WI school district. The anti-bullying scarves are given to 5th graders who pledge not to bully and to report any bullying the witness. This year they are giving out over 400 scarves. I am told the children wear the scarves with honor and that younger children look up to them and are anxious to receive their own when they finally become 5th grade students.

Bullying is a subject that hits very close to home for me. Throughout much of my upper elementary, middle, and high school years I was teased and picked on. I'm not sure I would go so far as to say I was bullied for it was not as severe as the stories I hear today. My experiences of being teased and picked on has had a lasting impact on me. It has impacted my self confidence, my sense of self worth, my ability to authentically express myself. Healing from the woundedness that occurred is a slow yet beautiful process as I uncover layers of myself I had covered and all but forgotten.
The other day as I was working on this scarf I found myself reflecting on my experiences. With each stitch I found myself reliving the memories of my "bullying" experiences. At first this was all I could think about. However, as I crocheted on my memories transformed into prayers. A prayer that this scarf may prevent someone from having to have a similar experience (or worse) to mine. A prayer that the the child who receives this scarf will find the confidence to be authentic, the courage to stand up to bullying, and the heart to befriend the friendless. A prayer of love and peace for all who are impacted by this scarf and this scarf "ministry."
This is something that I can do to have a positive impact this tragic epidemic in our society. What are you doing? What can you do? How can you contribute, big or small, to positively impact the life of a child?
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