Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Labyrinths: A Tool for the Journey Towards Wholeness

I wrote in a previous post about how my love affair with labyrinths began. This initial encounter with the seminary's labyrinth was only the beginning of my labyrinth journey. Labyrinths are an ancient form of prayer and meditation. They are "single path or unicursal tool for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation"(Labyrinth Society website). For many labyrinths represent the journey towards transformation. For Christians (as well as others) the first half of the journey is a journey inwards, away from the distractions of the world and towards God. The center of the labyrinth represents God's indwelling or presence with you. The second half of the journey is a journey outwards back into the world, hopefully with a renewed spirit and energy. 

As my labyrinth journey continues I am struck by the uniqueness of each labyrinth walk. Each time I walk a labyrinth my journey is different. Sometimes the twists and turns of the labyrinth are a bold reminder of the twists and turns my life has taken or is taking. Some walks are very emotional and cleansing. Some walks are very ordinary and seem like nothing really scared has taken place. During some walks I can literally feel God's presence around and within me guiding each careful step. One thing I know for certain is that each time I walk a labyrinth I am transformed in some way leading  towards greater wholeness and authenticity.

I love to talk about labyrinths; my journey, their varied uses, and offer suggestions for walking them. This is a passion of mine and I'd love to share more information and stories with you! 

Tell me you labyrinth stories! What questions do you have for me about labyrinths? How might you incorporate labyrinth walking into your life?

For some great information about labyrinths surf on over to the Labyrinth Society website.

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