“So God blessed the seventh day and hollowed it, because on it God rested from all the work God had done in creation.” Genesis 2:3
“Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy.” Deuteronomy 5:12
“Be still and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10
These Scripture passages are some of the most recognized passages about sabbath-keeping. The word sabbath comes from the Greek word meaning “to rest”. When we rest we cease work or movement in order to regain our strength. The word keeping refers to “the action of owning, maintaining, or protecting something”. Thus sabbath-keeping is protecting time to cease work and regain ones strength.
I often pray the following, “God grant me the grace of a strong soul.” A strong soul comes from God. It comes from being who God has created us to be-our authentic selves. It does take “work” to peel back the layers that are hiding the truth of our soul. These layers come from living in a world of sin, pride, self-indulgence, fear, loneliness, pain, suffering, and so much more. Yet, each time we peel back one of these layers more of our authentic self is visible to the world. We become stronger each time we peel back one of the layers that is hiding the light of God in our soul.
One of the most important ways to “work” at peeling back these layers is to “Be still and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46: 10). When we are resting in God’s presence we become aware of the Holy that is at the core of who we are. Sabbath-keeping is about taking time to rest, become aware, and rejoice in the fact that we are created in God’s image thus God lives within each of us. When we are resting in God’s presence we put aside our fears, worries, loneliness, suffering and whatever else keeps us from experiencing God’s amazing unconditional love. In sabbath we can let this healing love wash over us and infuse every cell of our body.
Sabbath-keeping can take many forms. For some true resting from the wold might be a run or hike in the woods, a moment of peace and quiet in a busy day, scripture reading, a silent retreat, or daily meditation. In our busy world sabbath-keeping is what ever helps you take time to stop, rest, and experience God’s healing love that strengthens you soul.
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