It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day and frankly I have never really given it much thought. Yes, my grade schools celebrated the day and we learned about MLK's influence on the Civil Rights Movement. We probably did plays, crafts, and sang songs about MLK. It was part of the public school "curriculum". Yet, I was never pushed to think about the impacts on my life. It just hasn't been part of who I am or so I thought.
Even with all the horrific stories in the news about police brutality, racism, and senseless deaths of minorities, my only reaction has been deep sadness and prayer. Frankly, the prayers have been less and less as this past year has unfolded. Not because I don't care but because the events of my personal life needed my attention. Recently, I have wondered should I be doing more? I "watched" as some of my friends joined in peaceful protest, held Facebook conversations and contacted their politicians. I ask myself should I be out protesting, writing letters to politicians, posting on Facebook etc.?

I have come to the conclusion that, no, these are not things I need to be doing at this time. Don't get me wrong they are powerful and important actions and they need to be done. However, they are not true to who I am and how I operate. I am reminded everyday that in order to truly impact the world I need to operate as my authentic self. This means taking actions that are true to my personality. For me this means writing a blog post to share my story and inspire others, lift up these issues in prayer (more often than I have been), showing kindness to other (especially minorities), and befriending those who are different from me.
So on this MLK Day where we are asked to reflect and take action for justice and peace how are you going to be true to yourself? What actions are you going to take to further the Kingdom of God? How are you going provide peace and justice in your family and/or community?
I'd love to hear what you are doing, please share them with me in the comments!